Weathers is currently touring with Badflower and will perform at 106.5 The End's Cheers For Fears at Charlotte's The Underground o...

Weathers is currently touring with Badflower and will perform at 106.5 The End's Cheers For Fears at Charlotte's The Underground on October 25th. We caught up with singer Cameron Boyer to talk about life on the road and his dream music festival.
Describe your music for our readers who may not be familiar with you.
It's hard to describe your own music. However I would say we provide an experience that makes you want to jump up and down while crying.
What's the first concert you attended?
I don't remember the first concert I ever went to however I think the first BIG concert was Poison.
What's the strangest gig you've played?
Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, New Mexico. That place was crazy rad. It was basically an art museum that had a very complex story that very few can follow. We definitely failed however loved the experience. There was a tiny stage kind of in the middle of the museum and that's where we played.
What's the craziest thing a fan has done at one of your shows?
We had a couple crowd surfers a few times which is always a cool feeling. Pretty often we will get a fan coming up to the merch table wanting a handwritten lyric or message for a tattoo. We always write them out a few times in different ways so they have options.
What's the first thing you look for when you hit a new town?
Probably a really cool restaurant or coffee shop.
How do you spend your days on the road?
When we are driving, we usually will play some video games or watch a movie. We also always continue working on videos and music and other forms of content.
Do you have any pre-show rituals?
We always do a vocal warm up followed by a little huddle then followed by high fives. The high fives was never meant to be a thing that we do but we started doing it so much that now it's a thing.
What's some advice you'd give to a band embarking on its first tour?
I think we'd all agree that giving each other space is always necessary. You're cooped up with the same guys for weeks so it's good to find little pockets of alone time.
Final question: You're the opening act of a music festival. You can get any five artists, living or dead, to perform on the bill with you. Which five acts do you choose and what song do you all perform together for the final jam?
Last song would be "Under Pressure." The five artists on the bill would be, Queen, Elvis, The Cure, The 1975, and Prince.
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