Rock band Deadly Apples have a pretty sweet gig this summer: opening for Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson on the Twins Of Evil Tour. Unfortun...

Rock band Deadly Apples have a pretty sweet gig this summer: opening for Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson on the Twins Of Evil Tour. Unfortunately for us, Rob Zombie's skipping both of the dates in the Carolinas, but you'll still be able to catch Deadly Apples and Manson at the Fillmore Charlotte on August 1st and at North Myrtle Beach's House Of Blues on August 2nd. We caught up with singer Alex Martel in advance of the shows to talk about life on the road.
Describe your music for our readers who may not be familiar with you.
We play catchy electronic rock songs with a sick twist, often dark but accessible. We have softer songs and heavier songs, it's a good mix.
What's the first concert you attended?
My first real concert was an outdoor TV station show in Montreal, I remember feeling so stressed and excited at the same time. From that point on, I would attend shows 3-4 times a week.
What's the strangest gig you've played?
In the very early days of the band, I remember playing an outdoor show by a river. We played directly on the grass and I ended up throwing an amp in the river. I was probably around 18 at that time.
What's the craziest thing a fan has done at one of your shows?
A goth girl breastfed me on this tour.
What's the first thing you look for when you hit a new town?
Giving the best performance I can and winning over the crowd. People are kind of jaded and usually expect the opener to be some generic crappy act, so I like to surprise them.
How do you spend your days on the road?
Usually trying to get some sleep and some work done. I also like to explore some of the cities we go in, especially when we're overseas in places like Japan, South America, etc.
Do you have any pre-show rituals?
I try to run a bit to get warmed up and just hype myself up for the show.
What's some advice you'd give to a band embarking on its first tour?
Don't shit on the bus.
Final question: You're the opening act of a music festival. You can get any five artists, living or dead, to perform on the bill with you. Which five acts do you choose and what song do you all perform together for the final jam?
As a festival promoter, I've already been able to book my dream lineups. For Deadly Apples, I'd say Depeche Mode, NIN, Massive Attack, Slipknot, Ministry. We'd have to write a song all together.
More Deadly Apples: Facebook | Bandcamp